"He got his report card today -- Honor Roll."
"He is better able to stay on task and transition between subjects and activities. He fusses less."
"Parent-Teacher conference results showed he was strong in all subject areas, meeting and exceeding expectations across the board."
"He is more cooperative and impulsivity is down, he is self-regulating. His teachers are noticing the changes."
"We are seeing him become the boy we always knew he could be; self assured, happy, and curious. We feel the 60 mile round trip was well worth the investment and will do it again with our younger son in the near future."
"She is more calm. She stops to think and overrides her impulses."
"He is now beginning to compete against himself and others to achieve better results. He wants to show us and his teachers that he is capable of reaching his goals. Before he was content with the status quo. He is getting ready for school more quickly and is better about doing his homework independently."
"I have received no school or teacher emails or phone calls about "concerns".
"It seems to me that there is a mental potential or creativity that is being unleashed."
"I did not expect to see any results when we started this program. I hoped for results, but did not plan on them...Well, 14 sessions later I am happy to say that our hopes were not wasted. He is a kind, smart, capable young man. You have given him new skills that will positively impact his present and his future."
"Her C went to an A in Music, her D went up to a C+ in History, and her F went up to a C in Chemistry since starting IM."
"He seems to be more congenial, and calmer when I give him discipline. He sleeps better, in a more calm, relaxed state and appears more rested when he wakes up."
"In the past he would spend 1-2 hours on homework. Now he completes in 20-25 minutes. He is happier because he has more time to play."
"No summer school this summer."
"He completed his homework on the 20 minute bus ride home which he has never done before."
"First quarter interim reports: He received all check-pluses. He has never brought home an interim like this. Usually a couple of checks."
"He has a B+ in biology -- a big change from a D."
"He comes home and does his work. He organizes his notebooks better than before."
"I asked him if IM really helped his mental quickness and processing. I got a resounding "Oh yeah" with a continual nod of the head."
"His time management has improved, he is completing and turning in assignments on time."